Meet the team

ROXIE - Studio Manager

“I will encourage you to take yourself and your needs seriously while exploring what’s possible. Together we will build a stable foundation from which you can explore, stretch, play, and thrive.”

JENNA - Founder

“We’ll work towards equanimity - the hustle and the honey - through dynamic movement and thoughtful alignment. Strip away the layers one at a time through sweat and laughter to find you. Vibrant body, Free mind.”


“The aim of every class is alignment and integration. We move the blood and the breath in order to move the “stuck” places in our minds and missions. Change only happens with motion. Come move with me and get “un-stuck!”


“Get curious and explore yourself and your edges with a smooth rhythmic flow and thoughtfully curated playlist.”


“I love nothing more than authentically empowering yogis through this practice so that they feel safe enough, skilled enough, and free enough to bring yoga into their daily lives off the mat. Yoga is the secret sauce.”


“In class, we’ll breathe, move, and we’ll flow to remind ourselves to be intentional and present.”


“Yoga is more than just physical postures; it's an exploration of the intricate dance between mind and body, a journey towards balance, peace, and finding refuge within oneself. Her classes are a celebration of the everyday magic around us, and an invitation to join a supportive, loving community.”


“My wish for you is that what we practice on the mat will continue to support you off the mat. You will leave feeling strong, supported, and connected. You are enough.”


Coming soon!


Coming soon!


“I aim to make each class challenging yet doable for each student. I believe that we learn a little more about the practice and a little more about ourselves each time we step on our mat.”


“Sharing my practice with other yogis and movers is a true passion. I love creating a welcoming space to move, breathe, and just be. Come as you are and explore what your body has to teach you!”


“In my class, we will honor the practice and ourselves without taking any of it too seriously.”